Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Do Calcium Deficiencies = Nasty Disposition - Low Intelligence - Poor Health?

Ok…let’s see just what’s involved in “mineral deficiencies,” what it may mean to our health, and how it may affect the growth and development, both mental and physical, of our children. We know that rats, guinea pigs and other animals can be fed into a diseased condition and out again by controlling only the minerals in their food.

A 10-year test with rats proved that by withholding calcium they can be bred down to a third the size of those fed with an adequate amount of that mineral. Their intelligence, too, can be controlled by mineral feeding as readily as can their size, their bony structure, and their general health. (hmmm, perhaps we know some calcium deficient people!)

Place a number of these little animals inside a maze after starving some of them in a certain mineral element. The starved ones will be unable to find their way out. Their dispositions can be altered by mineral feeding. They can be made quarrelsome and belligerent; they can even be turned into cannibals and be made to devour each other.

A cage full of normal rats will live in amity. Restrict their calcium and they will become irritable and draw apart from one another. Then they will begin to fight. Restore their calcium balance and they will grow more friendly; and in time they will begin to sleep in a pile as before. Many children are “slow to learn” merely because they are deficient in magnesia. (Magnesium) We punish them for our failures to feed them properly.

Calcium is the most dominant nerve controller; it powerfully affects the cell formation of all living things and regulates nerve action. It governs contractility of the muscles and the rhythmic beat of the heart. It also coordinates the other mineral elements and corrects disturbances made by them. Vitamin D is its buddy.

What does a deficiency mean? How would it affect your health or mine? So many morbid conditions and actual diseases may result that it is almost hopeless to catalog them. Included in the list are bad teeth, nervous disorders, reduced resistance to other diseases, fatigue, behavior disturbances, cancer, heart disease, and more.

Wow, I'm off to take my calcium, magnesium & vitamin D

Get some sunlight on the inside and see what positive changes happen in your life!

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